Cornelia Zambila


Cornelia Zambila Composer Performer.jpg

Dear visitor, welcome to my website!

I am Cornelia, a Belgium-based Romanian composer, performer and maker. In my activity I focus on finding authenticity of the presence on stage. Below you can see some photos of activities I am involved in.

Almost all recordings and materials from this website are from live performances. Enjoy listening and thank you for dropping by! 

For workshops, performances, compositions, arrangements or any questions about my projects and activity, please


New video: Dogtooth

Song composed for theater production Stadsparadijzen @ Zaal Athena (Antwerp), KunstZ. Video: Mario Leko. Dir.: Duraid Abbas Ghaieb.

I just remembered it's me.
A tooth - a dogtooth - growing through my right calf,
Electric stream crossing through my bones.

But all I feel is just outside:
My eyes open wider by themselves,
My soul stretches till my skin feels like close to shattering,
Just like a baby who wants to get born.

Now there is nothing more to listen from the world,
Just my ears screaming with silence
From inside out,
As seconds start to count themselves,
In my right calf,
Still never remembering what follows after One.

New electroacoustic piece

An electroacoustic poem capturing the soundsphere of an immigrant in multiculti neighbourhood Borgerhout, Antwerp.

The piece is made in 2019 recycling materials prepared for community theater project "Welkomsfeest" @KunstZ, MAtterhorn, 2017.


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